Monthly Archives: November 2012

All About Babywearing


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From the 6th of October to the 14th, babywearing was celebrated internationally to help spread the word about its benefits for children and caregivers. Growing every year since 2009, New Zealand families and volunteers helped to make New Zealand Babywearing Week 2012 a success.

Although I did not attend any of the planned events, it sounds like there was a lot of support from families involved in babywearing and sling walks across the North and South Island. Sponsors always play an important role so I would like to acknowledge My Natural Baby, Moby, Scarecrow Farm, EcoMoon, Adventure Kids, Little Love, Banz, The Natural Parent Magazine, and Snuggle Bug. Besides organizing and participating in events, volunteers were also busy with their Facebook pages, the New Zealand Babywearing blog, and competitions. I can imagine how busy all of you must have been!

What are some benefits of babywearing?

-Happy and healthy babies

-Confident and loving caregivers



-Discrete or hands-free breastfeeding

-No limitation on where you can go

I love how New Zealand Babywearing Week was extended across the month with Babywearing Photo a Day. It was awesome to see how many people carry their baby and all of the different ways as well. Plus, there was a range of some very cool wraps and slings, many of which I had never seen. Think you have seen all of the cloth nappies and babywearing carriers available? After your baby is born, you will most likely continue to come across numerous sites that you had never come across before. There are also some very clever Kiwis out there who are adding to the range and providing New Zealanders with local products. You might even decide that you want to make your own.

So which babywearing carrier should you buy?

Like cloth nappies, it is entirely up to you. I know this might not seem helpful, but what works for some might not work for others. One thing to remember is to NOT buy a bag style sling. These are very dangerous and are not the same as ring slings. Some factors to consider when choosing the right one:

-Who will be using the carrier?

-What is your main purpose for the carrier?

-What is your price range?

-What material is used?

-Is it adjustable?

-Is it suitable for all ages?

BabywearingWe were grateful for receiving a Nature’s Sway sling at Zaedyn’s baby shower, and later on decided to order a Maya Wrap Ring Sling as well. Both of these have been useful at different times and having a few types of carriers can sometimes be helpful. I will admit to being a bit confused in the beginning on how to get Zaedyn in the Nature’s Sway. As he grew, we tried again and found this sling to be very useful. The reason I looked into a Maya Wrap Sling was because I loved the colours, and with traveling around and being new to breastfeeding, this sling appealed to me.  However, I wanted to make sure that this sling was long enough and possibly should have bought one with a shorter tail. I have recently been wrapping it around my waist, and funny enough, I never use it to cover myself when breastfeeding anyways. At the same time, it has been useful for blocking the sun or wind, and it has a great storage pouch to hold my keys or cards so that I do not have to carry a bag. I also made sure to ask David if he liked the colours. If anyone else might be using your carrier, it is important to find out if they would be comfortable with your pattern or colour choice. I suppose both have been trial and error when adjusting and trying out new carry positions. I was not very confident in using our slings at the start, but all that has changed.

We shared a mix of old and new photos for Babywearing Photo a Day as you can see in the slideshow. We often carry Zaedyn without a sling, but a sling has also been very beneficial on many occasions. Flying overseas three times with Zaedyn, I do not know how I would have managed carrying my luggage as well as standing for long periods of time at Customs. I have also found the sling supportive through long days of sightseeing and adventures such as walking up Mount Maunganui. We love exploring different bush walks and beaches where taking a pram would not be possible. Plus, he loves seeing everything from our eye level and telling us all about what he is seeing in his own way of communication. From other’s posts, I was inspired to make Zaedyn a sling to carry his crocodile. He was not quite sure about it at first, but then he thought it was pretty cool. What a great way to inspire your little ones to love babywearing, too. Although Zaedyn is not very heavy, at 18 months, our slings are still suitable to carry Zaedyn. Carriers are not a huge cost when you think about the amount and length of time that they can be used.

Please participate in the poll below. I would love to know your preference of carrier, and feel free to comment below or on our Facebook page with any brand recommendations. Thanks! Oh, and the SnuggleBug designer wrap is still up for grabs until they reach 1700 likes so please check out New Zealand Babywearing Week and like their page to show your support.

Wooden Toys



Since the beginning of October, I have been slowly adding photos to a Wooden Toys album. Yes, it is still a work in progress. Just to be a bit confusing, the point of this album is not to sell these items. It is just a way for you to see some of the wooden toys that we own & ask questions if you are interested in the product. Fortunately most people that know us are aware that we prefer wooden toys, and many of these have been given to Zaedyn as prezzies. If you have them as well, we would love for you to comment and leave any feedback to support other who may be interested. I know that there are plenty more wooden toys available, but I hope that what you see will be of interest or provide you with links where you can find other sustainable toys.

We believe that nature is the best playground and that there are lots of natural resources and environments that can provide open ended play experiences. However, wooden toys can also provide learning and interactive play experiences. Although I have provided some information and ways that each can promote learning, they are not limited to this. Each child is unique, and many dispositions can be learned depending on each child. The way they use them to learn will also vary through time depending on their current interests and development. Click on the photos below to find more details about each toy.

Why do we love wooden toys vs. plastic?

Most companies that sell wooden toys are green companies that play a part in environmental impact and awareness. If you are looking for toys that are more natural and sustainable, look for wooden toys. Yes, they can be expensive, but they are worth it. Wooden toys are also very durable making them last and not ending up quickly broken in landfill. We also do not have to worry as much about safety from broken parts or toxicity. We are not against all plastic toys, but with the huge rise of cheap, plastic toys, we like to make a conscious effort to support eco-friendly companies. There are some companies using recyclable materials/packaging, one of which we think is pretty awesome. Make sure you follow us to hear about it in a future post.

So, how many toys do you need? I do not believe in buying all of the newest toys that come out, and I can definitely say that we still have more than our fair share of toys. We have some amazing toys that simply do not get used because we are always outside, or there are just too many to choose from. This can seem a bit overwhelming for you and your child as all of the toys are pulled out and not used for any purpose. Recently we have moved some toys and books into Zaedyn’s room as everything was out in the lounge. We have a pretty big lounge so I made a few areas in the room where there were certain types of toys. He is now aware of what is in his room and will walk down the hall and bring out toys or books that he wants to read. This has made it a bit easier for him to find toys and spend time playing, but this will always be a work in progress as we shift toys around to create an exciting environment.

Some people might think that wooden toys are too plain and simple, though I would argue the opposite. Yes, plastic toys can be very colourful and there is a huge variety, but this does not make them more interactive. Zaedyn is always far more interested in the packaging and boxes anyways! Wooden toys provide open ended experiences. Some might think they are boring, but I think that they allow for more creativity. There is also a growing number of companies providing wooden toys, and there is a range of different types and availability.

Natural Learning

The other option is to make your own. We found this awesome abacus idea from Natural Learning. Zaedyn even helped us look for the resources to use. Check out their site for some amazing creative and natural resources you can purchase. These educational resources will definitely support your children to learn about nature and Papatuanuku.

If you are a company that stocks these products, please leave a link to your website or details on how to order.

Many people debate this topic, but in our opinion we prefer wooden toys in our home. What do you want your baby chewing/playing with?

ClatterWork Bench 'N' BoxShape SorterPlaying MantisWollemi Wilderness Cash RegisterTea Set
tree toys

One lamb…two, three lambs!


I can never seem to keep up between posts on here, Facebook, and Pinterest. You would think I would have even more time being at home now, but we always seem to have so much to share. I make time to write on all of these, but I can easily keep myself busy all day doing all sorts around the house or catching up with friends. It has occurred to me that we have been so busy playing outside in the beautiful sunshine that I may have forgotten to mention that we have more than one lamb in our backyard. That’s right, we have three lambs in our backyard!

Okay, so only one of them belongs to us. The other two are the neighbour’s lambs that have come to live with us because we have a huge backyard. They built a fence about halfway, and it is like they have their own paddock. The lambs have a big enough area for them, and Zaedyn still has room to run around in mowed grass without sheep poo. The best part is that the fence is easy enough to hop over so we still spend lots of time with the sheep as well. Our lamb loves having friends, too.

Between three lambs and Kai, our bunny, Zaedyn wants to spend every second outside with his friends. As soon as he gets up he waits at the door saying, “Kai,” pointing out and saying, “Lamb, baa.” He can be very cheeky, and he has his own way of communicating with them. Zaedyn and Kai can often be found chasing after each other! Yes, there are times when he needs to remember to be gentle, but overall he loves animals and animals seem to love him. We have surrounded him with opportunities to see, care for, and love animals. Through our role modeling as well, we are passing on values where Zaedyn loves and respects animals.

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Different Coloured Nasturtium



Zenobia Barlow, “Confluence of Streams”
“Children are born with a sense of wonder and an affinity for Nature. Properly cultivated, these values can mature into ecological literacy, and eventually into sustainable patterns of living.”


Useful Avocado Tip


Avocados have endless benefits and are absolutely amazing! There are so many delicious ways to enjoy them simply as they are in their raw state, tossed in a salad, added to a smoothie, mixed in a dip, used as a spread, used in baking and uncooking desserts, etc. We really should have grown our own avocado tree when we first thought about it because we use them for everything. Especially since it is one of Zaedyn’s favourite foods, and it is packed with nutritional benefits.

For little ones, there can be challenging points when it comes to meal times. As a parent, you want to help them, but you also want them to be individuals. Avocados are extremely helpful when it comes to helping your child learn independence skills when eating, and also leaves less of a mess and wasted food on your floor. This was a super quick dinner, and I would normally add lots more. Possibly not the healthiest, but Zaedyn was hungry so I quickly put this together. He has not had rice in awhile so he was pretty excited and ate all of the rice first. You could easily add more veggies and lentils or come up with something more creative than this. However, how was avocado useful besides its many health benefits?


If I make something like rice or quinoa, avocados are the perfect solution to keep it all together. I have always found it hard for Zaedyn to keep it on the spoon when trying to feed himself. There was a time as well when I thought he simply did not like rice and it would all come back out. Maybe this has something to do with loving avocado, but if you are in need of a way to add more nutrients and healthy fats plus help you and your little ones with frustration to learn to feed themselves, try adding avocado! Let me know about your experiences.

Even if they decide to use their hands, the avocado makes it stick together and is easier for them to pick up and eat. If you want to let them eat and help them as well, try using two spoons. Zaedyn ends up using both spoons to help himself. From the very start we tried to incorporate baby led weaning and have allowed him to use utensils or given him whole foods in the early stages. There are huge learning opportunities when it comes to meal times, and he definitely enjoys eating because he can feed himself.

Oh, and you don’t have to be little to try this. The avocado makes it taste really yummy! With lots of raw veggies added, this is also a great mix for a wrap.



*Tip: Use avocado to bind food together, adding lots of nutrients and making it easier for your child to feed themselves.

Smoothie a Day #5 ~ Orange



~Juice of two oranges

~1/2 paw paw

~2 bananas

~1/2 cup almond milk

~handful of ice

Blend & drink

I was so excited when David came home with a paw paw yesterday. I knew that I was going to use oranges in my smoothie today, but paw paw was a great addition to make today’s smoothie recipe. I had no plan for what was going into this smoothie, and it blended together to make a delicious drink. This made enough for both Zaedyn and I. He is loving smoothies a day so much that I have to make sure I make enough, or I won’t get any!

Still with another half, I have not yet decided whether I will be eating the rest of the paw paw or adding it to tomorrow’s smoothie. Paw paw reminds me of Rarotonga as their was endless amounts of paw paw, coconut, and fresh fruit that I looked forward to every morning. Can’t wait to go back again one day!

Tomorrow’s smoothie ingredient is nut milk. I better go and soak some nuts. Check out a previous post on Fresh Raw Almond Milk, and you can follow the recipe with another type of nut to make a dairy-free milk. Hope you will join in on our Smoothie a Day ~ November. Feel free to share a photo of your smoothie on Facebook.

Edible Flowers



Zaedyn was so excited to be in the sling to help his Dad mow the lawn. He loves to be outside, and he was fascinated as he kept his eyes on the lawn mower. What a great advantage to babywearing!

After the front was mowed, we made our way out back. While the boys were mowing the lawn, I was busy trying to tidy up the garden. I had noticed that some of our nasturtium leaves were getting very big the other day. I quickly glanced over, and I saw a big yellow flower. Our very first Nasturtium!

Edible Flower
Zaedyn really wanted the big spade, but when he couldn’t quite pick it up, he settled for the small one. He was being so helpful. He was watching David dig. David would jump on the spade and put all of his weight down. Zaedyn pretended to do the same, but his two feet never left the ground. He quickly kept bending his knees almost as if he was dancing. He had David and I both laughing. It was so cute.

Since he was too busy gardening before, he had not taken notice of our nasturtium flower. After he enjoyed his yummy passionfruit smoothie, he became interested in trying the nasturtium. Eating flowers is not necessarily new to Zaedyn. He quite likes to pick flowers off the lawn to eat! He munched our edible flower and seemed quite happy. Unfortunately I did not have any more to give him, although we did have some more delicious vegan pumpkin cookies.
Edible Flowers
What is your favourite edible flower? I started an Edible Flowers board on Pinterest that I will continue to update as well as  others. Lots of new pins on Smoothies to inspire you for Smoothie a Day ~ November.

Cloth Shot a Day ~ October




#1 Stash


#2 Change


#3 Green


#4 Wash


#5 Favourite


#6 Boost


#7 Change Station


#8 Dry


#9 Out & About


#10 Night


#11 First


#12 Red


#13 Save


#14 Modern


#15 Traditional


#16 Convenience


#17 Yellow


#18 Wipe


#19 Closure


#20 Size


#21 Now


#22 Easy


#23 Care


#24 Bag


#25 Stylish


#26 Practical


#27 Clean


#28 Choice


#29 White


#30 Gift


#31 Fun

Thanks to Jacquie from Cheeky Cherubs who shared the photo of Cloth Shot a Day ~ October. I expected a lot more people to post photos and wasn’t sure whether or not to keep posting mine every day or not, but I did. We love cloth nappies and like to support them in any way possible. Although I have never bought anything from Cheeky Cherubs yet, they were a huge sponsor during Cloth Nappy Week 2012. I can just imagine how many Mums were excited to receive some items for their babies. Oh, and a close friend of mine from Gisborne ended up getting a few things while she was visiting over there and was quite impressed with the huge range of items so be sure to check out Cheeky Cherubs for all sorts for your babies and toddlers.